Páginas en la categoría «En inglés»
Las siguientes 88 páginas pertenecen a esta categoría, de un total de 88.
- Adolescent autonomy and parent-adolescent communication: A comparative critical review of English, Chinese, and Spanish literatura
- Adolescent autonomy satisfaction and parental support to autonomy in Mexico
- Against Discursive Colonialism: Intercultural Dialogues as a Path to Decolonizing Feminist Anthropology
- Ambiguous loss among families and adolescents of missing persons: A Mexican case study
- Amphibious and Aquatic Warfare in Mesoamerica: Conquest by Water and Land
- An Approach to Basic Learning for Life in the Mexican Southwest: Citizenship, Emotion Management, and Self-Care
- Anthropological Contributions to International Legal Approaches to Violence Against Indigenous Women
- Appropriating the Concept of the Right to the City: Politics, politicians, and Collective actors in Mexico City
- Associated motion in the Otomi family
- Autonomies and the Construction of Communal Economies in Zapotec Villages in Oaxaca, Mexico
- Beyond conflict and cooperation in Central American transboundary river basins. Crossroads of actors and borders
- Beyond money, power, and masculinity: Toward an analytical perspective on recruitment to Mexican drug trafficking organizations
- Bringing back the Bracero program: the migration industry in the recruitment of H-2 visa workers
- Centering a critical medical anthropology of COVID-19
- Ch'ixinakax utxiwa: A Reflection on the Practices and Discourses of Decolonization by Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui (review)
- Cheese whey generation, management and potential for biogas production in Mexico and the State of Jalisco
- Chroniclers of Violence in Contemporary Mexico: Feminist Reflections on Memory and Disappearance
- Comments on the text by Luis Roberto Cardoso de Oliveira: Ethical-Moral Rights and Conflict Management
- Contested places: daily struggles to belong among disadvantaged youth in Latin America
- COVID-19 among Indigenous populations in Mexico and the response of the health system
- Early Emergence of Agreement in Yucatec Maya Sign Language
- Educational innovations with a playful approach for better foundational learning in times of covid-19 pandemic
- Embodied inequalities of the Anthropocene
- Ensuring Foundational Learning. Insights from the Global South
- Entangled Roots and Otherwise Possibilities: The Anthropology of Disasters COVID-19 Research Agenda
- Estimation of the Fundamental Learning Loss and Learning Poverty Related to COVID-19 Pandemic in Mexico
- Evidence-Based Practices: Effects on Literacy and Numeracy Using Teaching at the Right Level Approach in Mexico
- Health Care Delays and Social Suffering Among Indigenous People with Diabetic Foot Complications in Mexico
- Home altars: material expressions of spiritual do-it-yourself
- How did colonialism change our gender and our sexuality? The case of Indigenous Wixárika communities
- How Has the New Mexico-US Relationship Affected Mexican Nationalism?
- Improvement Basic Learning through the Scaling Up of Educational Innovations
- Independent Learning Measurement initiative
- Indigenous Education and Multilingualism: global perspectives and local experiencies
- Indigenous land-based education in Mexico:practices to perpetuate communal knowledge of territory
- Indigenous midwifery revisited in COVID-19 times. The making of global maternal health and some anthropological lessons from Southern Mexico
- Indigenous youth in detention in Mexico", en International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs
- Introduction. Ensuring Foundational Learning
- Managing chronicity in unequal states: ethnographic perspectives on caring
- Measuring learning losses from delayed return to school: Evidence from Mexico
- Memes and semiotic processes related to the pandemic in Mexico
- Mental Health of Doctors Who Treat Patients with covid-19 in Mexico City: An Anthropological Investigation
- Mexicans and the Future of the American Dream. Trump, Immigration and Border Relations
- Migrant People, Expelled from their Human Condition
- Mobilizing Consular Resources in Light of Greater Hostility Toward Mexican Immigrants in the United States
- Natural and cultural longevity zones from an anthropological and geographical viewpoint
- Negotiating smallness in three regional contexts: Belize within Central America, The Caribbean, and neighbouring Mexico
- Neo-Mexican home altars: daily reconnections with the spirit of nature
- New Spain through the Lens of Spatial Humanities: The Case of the Bishopric of Michoacán
- New Trends in the Mexican Population in the United States in Times of Donald Trump’s Administration
- Relationship quality and support for family policy during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Remote tutoring with low-tech means to accelerate learning: Evidence for El Salvador
- Reshaping Police Culture
- Residential Practices of Three Generations of a Middle-Class Family: Mortgages, Honor, and Inequalities in Mexico City
- Risk, Covid-19 and hospital care in Mexico City: Are we moving toward a new medical practice?
- Role of Police in the Compilation of Crime Data in Mexico
- Security policies in the administration of López Obrador
- Sewer of Progress: Corporations, Institutionalized Corruption, and the Struggle for the Santiago River
- Shifting tides of informal worker resistance in Mexico: A domestic work-construction contrast
- Spatial configurations of class and youth inequality
- The Analytical Framework of Governance in Health Policies in the Face of Health Emergencies: A Systematic Review
- The cultural effects of neo-paganism’s ritual creativity
- The dispute for other legal knowledges in the judicial field: Indigenous territorial ontologies and mining extractivism in Guerrero, Mexico
- The end of Mexico-US migration as we knew it – or back to the future?
- The fragmentation of youth experience. Social inequality and everyday life in urban Latin America
- The pandemic effect on sociability and well-being in low income adolescents in Mexico
- The Sacred Feminine in Mexico’s Neopagan Women’s Circle
- The Spanish Falange in Mexico 1937-1942
- Wastewater and Wishful Thinking: Treatment Plants to ‘Revive’ the Santiago River in Mexico
- Who to trust? International risks and responses to the Covid-19 crisis in Mexico and Central America
- With a Little Help from His Friends: Juan N. Guerra, Smuggling, and Drug Trafficking in Tamaulipas and Nuevo León, 1940s–1960s
- Women Defenders and the Fight for Gender Justice in Indigenous Territories
- Women in the Luz del Mundo Church: A Transnational Study