Doctora en Ciencia Política (Instituto de Estudios Políticos de Aix­en­Provence, Francia)

Semblanza en CIESAS Sureste

Últimas Publicaciones

Edith Kauffer, 2023, "Negotiating smallness in three regional contexts: Belize within Central America, The Caribbean, and neighbouring Mexico", en Kolnberger, Thomas y Harlan Koff (eds.), Agency, Security and Governance of Small States. A Global Perspective, Londres, Routledge, , pp123-141 ISBN 9781003356011

Palabras clave: Belice, Estado, SICA, CARICOM, Centroamérica

CIESAS Sureste

Edith Kauffer, 2023, "Beyond conflict and cooperation in Central American transboundary river basins. Crossroads of actors and borders", en Batista da Silva, Luis Paulo, Wagner Costa Ribeiro, Isabella Battistello Espíndola (eds.), New Perspectives on Transboundary Water Governance. Interdisciplinary Approaches and Global Case Studies, Londres, , Routledge, pp 214

Palabras clave: Cuencas transfronterizas, Centroamérica, Fronteras, Conflictos, Cooperación

CIESAS Sureste